Portrait Photography

Photoshoot for Cruse Heritage Group

Recently my wife expanded her real estate business by forming a real estate team called Cruse Heritage Group with the addition of Stacy Shelton, Buyer’s Agent.

I shot their initial promotional portfolio to help with their launch.Please wish these wonderful ladies success!

Looking for a fresh look to help promote your business or a killer headshot to enhance your resume? Give me a call!


A Fun Portrait Session in Austin

I have always wanted to do a portrait session in Austin, especially shooting at The Capitol Building. It has been a couple of years since I had shot a formal portrait session, but the purchase of a new camera and lens had me itching to try some portraiture work.

A few months ago, I learned that a couple of our Seniors were going to be in Austin on a Saturday when I was going to be in the capital and they agreed to pose and help me try out a new camera and lens combination.

They had as much fun on the shoot as I did.

However, it had an unintended consequence…a voice, that started as a whisper and has been growing to a loud yell urging me to get back in touch with my creative side and perhaps open a studio. During the pandemic, I have shot a few real estate jobs, but my photography and videography has been taking a back seat to teaching during the time of Covid.

I am exploring the possibility of maybe opening up a studio and separate production company and leaving the classroom…on the other hand, we do live in uncertain times…but I’m not getting any younger!
